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Maryland Defense Attorney: Inappropriate Touching Of A Minor/Child

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Increased public attention to sex crimes against children has led to an increase in false accusations of crimes such as inappropriate touching of a minor/child. As a result, teachers, dentists, daycare workers, doctors, and other professionals who have contact with children are at risk of life-changing consequences even in cases where the charges are baseless.

At The Law Office of James E. Crawford, Jr. & Associates, LLC, our job is to protect your reputation and your future if you are accused of inappropriate touching of a minor/child. Our Maryland attorneys defend people throughout the state who have been charged with inappropriate touching and other Maryland sex crimes. We offer a free initial consultation to discuss your case.

What Is Considered Inappropriate Touching?

Inappropriate touching involves touching another person or asking to be touched in an area of the body that could be considered sexual in nature. The seriousness of the charge depends on factors such as the alleged victim’s age, subjective information, and the alleged act itself. You could be subject to jail time and sex offender registration as well as lengthy probation and fines if you are convicted.

Some examples of inappropriate touching of a minor/child:

  • Touching private parts such as breasts, buttocks, or even typical “nonsexual” areas of the body may be considered sexual in nature under some circumstances.
  • Typical sexual acts such as cunnilingus, analingus, or oral sex all could be interpreted as statutory third- and fourth-degree sex acts.
  • An alleged victim was simply sitting on the defendant’s lap, and alleged gestures could induce a criminal prosecution.
  • Various circumstances may look “like” inducement or solicitation of a sexual act to a minor may “appear” to be a crime, but in reality, they are completely innocent.

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Sexual Misconduct: Inappropriate Touching

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