To Baby or Not to Baby? – Know Your Reproductive Rights in Maryland

One of the hottest topics is reproductive rights.  But, it’s such a broad topic, and what is it exactly?

Knowing what reproductive rights are and what applies to you is essential for women to learn, but men need to know and understand when they are right to hire a lawyer to defend their reproductive rights.

When reviewing what reproductive rights are and the rights that you have, keep in mind:

  • Reproductive rights are the rights of the individual to decide when and how to be able to reproduce and the right to reproductive health.
  • Men also have reproductive rights and have been highlighted by the National Center for Men (NCM) on topics such as false paternity, adoption, and ownership over frozen embryos.
  • The reproductive rights movement is controversial. What do the future of birth control, abortions, and family planning hold?

What are Reproductive Rights?

Reproductive rights are the rights of the individual to decide when and how to reproduce and the right to maintain reproductive health.

Historically, the movements to protect reproductive rights have been deeply rooted in controversy. People are quick to shy away from putting forward any controversial opinion.

However, when your life, income, and reputation are at stake, you are better off being well-versed in your reproductive rights than being bashfully unaware and neutral.

These rights apply to women, men, biological parents, non-biological parents, and grandparents.

Some topics that fall under reproductive health include, but are not limited to:

  • Birth control
  • Abortion
  • Decisions about frozen embryos
  • Adoption

All of the listed topics above only scratch the surface on reproductive rights that you should be aware of, as you deserve to make decisions about all of these.

The United States Constitution does not officially recognize the right to reproduce, but Supreme Court decisions have made the right to reproduce a fundamental human right (Skinner v. Oklahoma).

While the right to reproduce is universal, reproductive rights can also mean having the right not to reproduce or protect yourself from having children when you are not yet ready.

Reproductive Rights for Men

One of the things that you must keep in mind is that reproductive rights apply to both men and women, and even parents who are not the child’s biological parents.

While women’s reproductive rights are a hot topic — including abortion, access to birth control, and the right to adopt – men’s rights have been a little quieter.

Nevertheless, men still have many and still fundamental reproductive rights.

Often, couples have frozen embryos, but they separate, or the father cannot support another child. Should he have the right to deny or not be responsible for the mother who decides to have another child?

In a case where a woman lied about being able to get pregnant, a man was able to reject financial obligations under the Equal Protection Clause.

The Supreme Court has not ruled a definitive answer regarding men’s right to reject paternal obligations. Still, for any similar situations, fathers should expect similar outcomes.

Minors under the age of 18 have the reproductive right to have access to abortion, but many state laws require parental consent or notification.

Finally, one of the most important things to remember about reproductive rights is access to education and resources.

There are many barriers to education on sexual health, including age, gender, and class. It is your right to control your body and make the choices you want.

The Future of Reproductive Rights

As science continues to expand in terms of IVF, surrogate, and freezing embryos, court cases will enter grayer and grayer areas where it is almost impossible to update the law fast enough.

As a result, you need to recognize and take advantage of your rights to education and reproduction protected by the Supreme Court.

Since there are no official laws governing reproduction, Supreme Court cases set the “precedent,” meaning that because a decision was made in the past in a similar context to your case, you are guaranteed equal protection under the law and will receive the same conclusion.

Whoever you are, wherever you live, all decisions made about your body should be yours, and you should be entitled to all the facts.

If you have any questions about reproductive rights or feel those rights have been violated, reach out to [nap_names id=”FIRM-NAME-1″]. We can talk to you and give you options on attacking your case. Schedule a free initial consultation today.