Is sole custody better for children?

In an article published in Psychology Today, the focus is on the relationship between children and their divorced parents.

At issue is whether the children benefit more in a post-divorce world where there is sole custody than they do if there is joint custody.

Collaboration issues

It seems reasonable to assume that if two people can collaborate effectively during their marriage, they would likely stay married. Once divorced, however, they must collaborate on the best way to continue raising their children and help them adapt to an entirely new chapter in their lives. If the parents employ teamwork to further the best interests of their children, joint custody will work. If the parents do not see eye to eye, joint custody can present problems for everyone involved.

Emotional conditioning

Emotional conditioning starts in childhood. When children become adults, they select mates based on this conditioning process. One person gives emotional care and the other consumes that care. This is a pattern parents employ with their children: one parent dispenses emotional care to the children while the other expects to receive this sort of caregiving from the kids.

Sole custody benefits

While the family unit remains intact, children enjoy the protection of the parent who provides emotional care. He or she is better at fulfilling their requirements than the parent who is emotionally needy. According to the Psychology Today article, if the parents divorce, children fare better under sole custody with the parent who provides emotional caregiving. While the non-custodial parent should engage in regular visitation, sole custody with the emotionally giving parent allows children the best opportunity to face a secure and emotionally nourished future.