The Business of Law: A JC Law Podcast Episode 5

Pre- and Postnuptial Agreements

Welcome to the fifth episode of “The Business of Law,” JC Law’s ongoing podcast hosted by our CEO and Founding Partner, Mr. James E. Crawford, Jr.

In today’s episode, Jim is joined by Mr. Peter Crawford, one of JC Law’s clerks and a soon-to-be barred attorney at our Linthicum office, for a discussion on prenuptial and postnuptial agreements and the roles that they play in marriage and divorce.

Our hosts start out by reviewing the basics of pre- and postnuptial agreements before diving deeper into the factors that may inspire someone to file for one (or avoid filing for one) in the first place, such as vast income differences between spouses or a perceived awkwardness around considering a potential end to the marriage.

They then go on to cover a few different topics related to pre- and postnuptials, from the contextual differences in pursuing a prenup for a first marriage versus a second or third, to the unintended consequences that may arise when neglecting to file a prenuptial altogether.

Finally, Jim wraps things up by explaining why, no matter what, your best option when considering a prenuptial agreement is to speak to an attorney first. After all, you can’t go wrong in reaching out to a legal ally.

If you’d like to learn more about prenuptial agreements and their impacts on marriage and divorce, look no further than this episode of “The Business of Law,” and don’t forget to subscribe to JC Law’s YouTube channel for more helpful content! Check out the full episode below: