JC Law Publications

An American Lawyer: A Criminal Defense Lawyer’s Life Journey

James E. Crawford Jr.

Check out some excepts from this book in our Trilogy Modum Blog Series:

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5

Check out the first episode of our podcast: The Business of Law, where we dive into the Trilogy Modum.

Language: English

Binding: Hardcover

Pages: 258

Publisher: Little Creek Press

Publication Date: 2022-07-01

ISBN: 1955656258

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How could a kid who was labeled a “low-IQ” student in early grade school with virtually no chance of academic success, let alone success in business, pull off a miracle? How did he find a way out of the deep, dark cavern of depression and underachievement to realize the success that most people only dream of?

Men who have experienced physical, mental, and sexual abuse are figuratively put in a straitjacket that deters success. The emotional scars experienced by adult children of alcoholics, and the addictive allure of pornography mixed with abuse, create a deadly elixir that destroys lives. This narrative is a “wake-up call” to the therapeutic community to create and design treatment programs to attack this syndrome that Jim has labeled the Trilogy Modum.

James E. Crawford Jr. Esq. is a thirty-year experienced trial lawyer who has handled thousands of criminal sex offense cases in our court system. He has discovered hard-hitting facts as to why there is a tremendous increase in sex crimes and domestic violence in this country.

Jim walks you through his own childhood struggles and the road he traveled to become an American lawyer. He gives you a “how-to” road map to find success in your own life and business. Although improbable, he ultimately realized his dream of standing next to a client with a fictitious sword in hand and using every tool he has developed as an attorney to protect and shield his clients.

Underpinning his career and life, The American Lawyer is really about a father and son who desperately tried to connect and the journey to find the redemption they both grasped in the end.

There Is Only An Opportunity for Justice: A Practical Guide For The Non-Lawyer To Navigate Our Criminal Justice System

James E. Crawford Jr.

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Jim Crawford has opened the window for the 99% of the non-lawyers in society to fully grasp and understand how our court system really works. He gives the reader insight into a world that few have seen. Discover what it really takes to obtain the end result in your case that you want! Be prepared to delve into the mind of an experienced criminal trial lawyer who shows you the real reasons why cases end up the way they do!

This “how to” book will give you a head start in understanding the legal techniques and thought process of a 26-year criminal trial veteran. Search the chapters that apply to your situation and get the insight you need to successfully interact with your attorney.