Why should you use your Miranda rights?

Many people first hear of Miranda rights second-hand, whether through the media or due to a person they know undergoing arrest.

Because of this, it is easy for false information to spread. This can lead to people thinking they should not rely on their Miranda rights, when the opposite is true.

What are Miranda rights?

Miranda Warning discusses the purpose of Miranda rights. These rights exist to protect a person from self-incriminating when talking to law enforcement or making themselves look suspicious in interviews.

The Miranda warning alerts a person to their rights and includes the right to remain silent, and the right to an attorney whether or not the person can personally afford one. They will be provided one by the state if they cannot.

The officer must also ensure that the individual thoroughly understands these rights and what they risk giving up if they decide to opt to speak with authorities anyway.

Who uses Miranda rights?

Plenty of people falsely believe that only the guilty use their Miranda rights. This can lead to people talking to law enforcement and giving up these rights because they feel obligated to do so in order to prove their innocence.

However, that is not the case. These rights exist to protect everyone, including – and sometimes especially – those who are innocent of crimes they face accusations for. Thus, it is always a better idea to utilize one’s Miranda rights. Make it incredibly clear to police that this is the path chosen, so there is no room for misunderstandings in the future.